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Wortham LLP works with clients to identify, quantify and mitigate healthcare-related privacy and security risk. Leveraging the experience of our team, Wortham LLP offers comprehensive advice to help clients navigate the increasingly complex framework of Federal and state health information privacy and security laws.
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Key service areas
- Advise clients on compliance with HIPAA, CCPA and other state and Federal privacy laws.
- Develop privacy compliance programs that address applicable Federal and state privacy, security, and breach reporting and mitigation requirements.
- Help to appropriately identify and document business associate relationships.
- Advise clients on responding to breaches of personal and health information, including providing guidance related to investigating the incident, making the required notifications, mitigating potential harm and taking corrective action.
- Develop training materials for employee education and provide training presentations for trainers and/or employees.
Representative Matters
- Analysis and advice for regional hospital system regarding HIPAA privacy and security issues, including access to and use of a Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO).
- Guidance for acquisition of a substance abuse treatment clinic, including legal and operational issues related to compliance with Section 2 substance use disorder privacy requirements.
- Legal and strategic counseling for pharmacies and other providers regarding patient information use and disclosure safeguards.
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